Wave Swell Energy is excited to have the opportunity to work collaboratively with the Australian Maritime College (AMC), a specialist institute of the University of Tasmania (UTAS).
UTAS is an international leader in the provision of education and research for the maritime, marine and Antarctic sectors. UTAS has particular strengths in wave and tidal energy, ocean systems and maritime policy through its specialist institutes; AMC and the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS). Though its two national centre’s: National Centre for Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics (NCMEH) and the National Centre for Ports and Shipping (NCPS), together with the UTAS Climate Change and Ocean Processes Research Group of IMAS, UTAS has the diversity and expertise to deliver strong research outcomes for a wide range of Marine Renewable Energy projects.
AMC has world class facilities for the testing of prototype marine renewable energy solutions. Key facilities include the 35m long by 12m wide Coastal Wave Basin (Model Test Basin) and the 100m long Towing Tank, both of which are ideal for scale model testing of ocean wave energy converters. The Circulating Water Channel is ideal for testing ocean current turbine models. Other facilities include the new state-of-the-art Cavitation Laboratory, Aquaculture Centre, Marine Modelling Unit and fleet of training vessels, including the 35m purpose-built Bluefin; all used by students, researchers, industry partners and commercial clients alike.